Wide Open Throttle. Do You Get It? Editorial: “We’re Going Over.”

Text and photos © 2022 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. From the Masthead “We’re going over”, with those words my world was turned upside down, literally. I’ve...

Filter Service: How Often Should Fuel and Air Filters be Changed?

Text and photos © 2020 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. Primary fuel filter vacuum gauges provide the only accurate means of measuring fuel flow restriction. ...

Alaskan Excursion

From the Masthead By now most boaters are aware of the issues presented by use of gasoline containing ethanol, which include tank and fuel system...

FIRE! Are You, and Your Vessel, Prepared?

Text and photos © 2019 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. From the Masthead Not long ago I was aboard a boat with a client; he was...

An Introduction into the World of Marine Inspections

An Introduction to the World of Marine Inspections By Katie D’Antonio All photos by Steve D'Antonio   The seatrial afforded those aboard a reoccurring set of spectacular vistas. As...

Moisture Testing

Text and photos © 2020 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. Moisture Testing Moisture in fiberglass laminate and in cored composite construction is the source of significant...

Buying, Owning and Selling a Boat

Buying, Owning and Selling a Boat A Familiar Melody By Bob Lane Photos by Bob Lane I work with a many clients on both sides of the boat buying...

Risk Assessment for Offshore Passagemaking – Pt 1

Risk Assessment for Offshore Passagemaking Steve D'Antonio All photos copyright Steve D'Antonio Part I In part one of this two part series I'll discuss the means by which...

Risk Assessment and Vessel Preparation – Pt 2

Risk Assessment for Offshore Passagemaking - Part II   Steve D'Antonio All photos copyright Steve D'Antonio   Newfoundland Bound     Fair winds, clear skies, and a well-found vessel makes for picture perfect...

All in a Day’s Work for a Chesapeake Pilot

The following monologue was written by a colleague of mine, a 30+ year veteran Chesapeake Bay Ship's Pilot.  On two occasions I've had the pleasure of accompanying...

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