Feature: Air Conditioning Raw Water System Failure Avoidance – Editorial: Shortwave Radios and Letter...

From the Masthead Shortwave Radios and Letter from Taiwan When I was in my pre-teens, I developed an interest in shortwave radio, which was a natural...

January 2023 Newsletter “Motor Mount Installation”

Photo Essay: Motor Mount Installation Motor mounts play a vital role in the propulsion system scheme; they represent the only link between the thrust created...

Feature: Busting the “Hot Marina” Myth – Editorial: A Blue-Collar Resurgence

From the Masthead A Blue-Collar Resurgence; In Praise of the Trades                Back in 2017 I wrote an editorial entitled, “The Need for Vocational Training”; I lamented...

July 2023 Newsletter: Steering Gear Wear

Photo Essay: Steering Gear Wear Steering gear falls into the category of a ‘key system’.  Without it you are not only dead in the water,...

January 2021 Newsletter “Fixed Fire Extinguisher Detail”

Text and photos © 2021 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. Photo Essay: Fixed Fire Extinguisher Detail Fixed fire extinguishers perform, or are ready to perform, an...

September 2023 Newsletter: Start Battery Installation

Photo Essay: Battery Installation   It’s an all-too-common occurrence; while conducting an inspection I reach the area where batteries (often for starting but occasionally house as...

Feature Article: No- Start Continued – Editorial: Cruising Freedom

From the Masthead Cruising Freedom It’s a near universal truth, boat owners use their boats, or cruise, because, among other things, it offers a sense of...

September 2022 Newsletter “Generator AC Wiring”

Photo Essay: Generator AC Wiring Of all the defects I encounter on generator installations, poor wire routing and support are among the most common.  Generators...

Feature: Damper Plates – Editorial: It’s Dangerous Out There

From the Masthead It’s Dangerous Out there; Pay attention, your life, limbs, or eyesight, may depend on it. When I was a U.S. Naval Sea...

April 2024 Newsletter – Steering Components

Photo Essay: Steering Components Steering falls into what I call one of the three critical systems, along with propulsion and raw water plumbing/watertight integrity.  On...

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