April 2016 Newsletter

Text and photos copyright © SDMC, Inc. 2016 Photo Essay While it may be cliché, the first words that come to mind when I see this image...

Fire Extinguisher Query

Dear Steve: I recently looked at a new boat at a boat show.  I noticed something that caught my attention and I wondered if you...

April 2017 Newsletter

Text and photos by Steve D’Antonio Copyright © 2017 From the Masthead Taiwan Has Ruined Me I travel to many parts of the world for my work, domestically as well...

September 2016 Newsletter

Text and photos by Steve D’Antonio Copyright © 2016 From the Masthead I want to hear your thoughts... Customer care, it's a subject about which every boat owner is concerned,...

Taiwan Log Book

Taiwan Logbook By Steve D’Antonio Photos by Steve D'Antonio and Ta Shing Ta Shing Skilled and experienced staff are a prerequisite for any successful boat building operation. The...

December 2016 Newsletter

Text and photos by Steve D’Antonio Copyright © 2016 Photo Essay: The Hazards of Hose Clamps The opportunity for injury aboard any vessel, cruising, commercial, power or sail, is...

Photo Essay – June 2015

Tools of the Trade Photos and text by Steve D'Antonio Copyright SDMC, In. 2015 I’m frequently amazed at the unwillingness of marine mechanics to carry out thorough...

Flooding vs. Siphoning

Text and photos © 2019 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. From the Masthead Building a Boat Overseas Not surprisingly, I’m writing the final ‘From the Masthead’ column...

Ask Steve – November 2015

Please note, our first two questions are in regard to a previous Photo Essay:  https://stevedmarineconsulting.com/photo-essay-october-2015/. Steve, I agree with your advice for grounding electronic equipment, but...

Wide Open Throttle. Do You Get It? Editorial: “We’re Going Over.”

Text and photos © 2022 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. From the Masthead “We’re going over”, with those words my world was turned upside down, literally. I’ve...

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