Stainless Steel – Miracle Metal?

This "wasp-waisted" strut bolt represents a classic example of crevice corrosion Stainless steel; the very name implies virtual metallurgical immortality.  Since its accidental discovery nearly 100 years ago,...

Oil Analysis – Editorial: The Need for Vocational Training

From the Masthead As I mentioned in a previous column, an editorial I authored was recently published in a trade publication, on the subject of...

The Benefits of Coolant Recovery Bottles

Text and photos by Steve D'Antonio Copyright © 2017 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. From the Masthead I recently encountered a question, posed by a participant in an...

Portable Fire Extinguishers; Not all are Created Equal – Editorial: The Importance of Redundancy

From the Editor When you receive this month's Ezine I'll be on my way to Australia, where I will deliver a lecture for a group...

Cracking the Code: Working with Boat Yards and the Marine Industry Part II

Text and photos by Steve D’Antonio Copyright © 2016 From the Masthead “This is a bulls#*t industry”.  Those words were recently spoken in frustration, by a reader in the...

Potable Water Systems

Photos and text by Steve D'Antonio Copyright 2015 SDMC Inc.  From the Editor Dear SDMC Marine Systems Excellence Ezine subscriber: January has been a busy travel and project month...

Electric Shock Drowning and ELCIs Explained

Text and photos by Steve D'Antonio Copyright © 2017 From the Masthead About a year ago a client of mine, I’ll call him Frank, had text exchange with...

The Boat Genie in the Cigar Box

From the Editor Staying current and engaged is something I think about every day of my professional life.  Keeping abreast of the cruising lifestyle and...

Seaworthy, Reliable and Safe

Seaworthy, Reliable, and Safe Text and photos by Steve D’Antonio Copyright © 2012 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. Whether it is a far-off destination or your favorite anchorage close to...

A Boat Buyer’s ‘Top Ten’ Guide to a Pre-Offer Evaluation Part I – ...

From the Masthead It’s no understatement to say access to critical machinery, engineering and bilge areas is vitally important.  It’s a subject on which virtually...

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