Portable Fire Extinguishers; Not all are Created Equal – Editorial: The Importance of Redundancy

From the Editor When you receive this month's Ezine I'll be on my way to Australia, where I will deliver a lecture for a group...

The Boat Genie in the Cigar Box

From the Editor Staying current and engaged is something I think about every day of my professional life.  Keeping abreast of the cruising lifestyle and...

Hose Clamps Part II: Installation and Use

From the Editor A colleague of mine, the editor of a respected marine industry magazine, one for which I write, recently made an editorial leap...

Hose Clamps Part I: Design and Selection

Letter from the Editor A few months ago I visited an engine repair facility on behalf of a client.  His engine was in the process...

The Good Samaritan at Sea

From the Editor I’m composing this month’s column as I sit in the pilothouse of a 68-foot trawler, moored at Limehouse Basin, London, the UK. ...

Propeller Installation – Editorial: Rescues at Sea that should not have been Necessary

From the Masthead I’m pleased to announce that the dates for the third Trawler and Motor Vessel Technical Training Workshop have been established, the event...

Proper Propeller Removal – Editorial: The State of the Industry and Hybrid Propulsion

Steve D’Antonio Copyright 2015 SDMC, Inc.   From the Editor When you last heard from me I was still in China.  I’m preparing this month’s feature column while...

Potable Water Systems

Photos and text by Steve D'Antonio Copyright 2015 SDMC Inc.  From the Editor Dear SDMC Marine Systems Excellence Ezine subscriber: January has been a busy travel and project month...

Greenland Odyssey Part III

Photos and Text by Steve D'Antonio Copyright 2014 SDMC, Inc. Letter from the Editor  2014 saw a number of changes in the marine industry as well as for...

Greenland Odyssey Part II

Steve D’Antonio Copyright SDMC, Inc. 2014 From the Editor Each time I receive an e mail or a call from a client or reader, seeking assistance with...

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