Good Seamanship Makes for Good Safety

Letter from the Editor There’s nothing like an extended voyage to sharpen one’s technical and aesthetic senses.  In my case, such passages serve to keep...

Life Rafts Pt I

Recently, an SDMC consulting client who is in the process of having a 68-foot cruising vessel built, contacted me.  He posed several important questions regarding...

My Old Boat has Good Legs

My Old Boat Has Good Legs By Bob Lane Photos by Bob Lane and Steve D’Antonio Bob Lane Quadra anchored in Skull Cove, British Columbia   My old boat has good...

Reference Cell Testing; Know Thy Corrosion Protection Level – Editorial: Old vs. New

Text and photos © 2021 Steve D'Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. From the Masthead I recently made a flight aboard a de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver, a seaplane...

The Good Samaritan at Sea

From the Editor I’m composing this month’s column as I sit in the pilothouse of a 68-foot trawler, moored at Limehouse Basin, London, the UK. ...

The Invaluable Fuel Filter Vacuum Gauge – Editorial: My Kingdom for a Set Screw…

From the Masthead My kingdom for a set-screw… The headline is an eye-catcher for any gearhead, “The incorrect installation of a single set screw led to...

The Importance of Professionalism

The Importance of Professionalism   Texts and photos by Steve D'Antonio Copyright 2013     Professionals who work within the marine industry must possess several attributes, chief among these is a curious...

Attention to Detail

Attention to Detail   Text and photos by Steve D’Antonio Copyright 2013     Noticing and acting upon small clues, things others often fail to see, is the very essence...

The Trend Toward Complexity

The Trend Toward Complexity A call to the marine industry to stop apologizing for it, and simply get on with making systems work reliably. by Steve...

Guess Where the Devil Resides

Guess Where the Devil Resides? By Dick Stevenson Photos by Dick Stevenson and Steve D’Antonio   Dick Stevenson Alchemy at anchor in Turkey. Feeling confident about how well your boat...

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