Feature Article: Saving a Drowned Engine – Editorial: Around the World in Two Weeks...
From the Masthead
Around the World in Two Weeks and Another Portable Lithium-ion battery fire As is so often the case, I’m penning this month’s column...
December 2023 Newsletter – Leakage Current
Photo Essay: Leakage Current
It’s an insidious, and frequently misunderstood, phenomenon; AC power leaking into water, creating an electric field around the vessel. Under the...
November 2023 Newsletter – Through Deck Fasteners
Photo Essay: Through Deck Fittings
Properly securing deck hardware can present a variety of challenges. Cored composite decks represent perhaps the greatest challenge; the core...
Feature Article: No- Start Continued – Editorial: Cruising Freedom
From the Masthead
Cruising Freedom It’s a near universal truth, boat owners use their boats, or cruise, because, among other things, it offers a sense of...
October 2023 Newsletter: Prop Shaft Taper
Photo Essay: Prop Shaft Taper
The engagement between a propeller and a propeller shaft is among the most important of interfaces aboard your vessel. Most...
Feature Article: When the Engine Won’t Start… – Editorial: The Value of Carrying out...
From the Masthead
The Value of Carrying out an Inspection before Beginning a Refit I’m penning this month’s Marine Systems editorial while in flight, returning from...
September 2023 Newsletter: Start Battery Installation
Photo Essay: Battery Installation It’s an all-too-common occurrence; while conducting an inspection I reach the area where batteries (often for starting but occasionally house as...
Feature Article: Boat Show Wisdom – Editorial: The Great 2 vs. 30 Micron Fuel...
From the Masthead
The Great 2 vs. 30 Micron Fuel Filter Debate If you want to start a debate, or an argument, on the dock, bring...
August 2023 Newsletter: Livewell Pump Installation
Photo Essay: Livewell Pump Installation
Raw water plumbing fittings, particularly those below the waterline, must be rugged and reliable. ABYC Standards dictate that, “A seacock...
Feature Article: Bottom Paint Halos, what causes them and how to prevent them from...
From the Masthead
“You don’t need reporting smoke alarms, you have insurance” A few years ago, while working with a client on a new build project,...